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Mapped Types



type OnlyBoolsAndHorses = {
  [key: string]: boolean | Horse;

const conforms: OnlyBoolsAndHorses = {
  del: true,
  rodney: false,

映射类型是一种泛型类型,它使用 Propertykey 的联合 (通常 通过 keyof 创建) 来迭代键以创建类型:

type OptionsFlags<Type> = {
  [Property in keyof Type]: boolean;

在本例中,OptionsFlags 将从类型 Type 获取所有属性,并将它们的值更改为布尔值。

type FeatureFlags = {
  darkMode: () => void;
  newUserProfile: () => void;

type FeatureOptions = OptionsFlags<FeatureFlags>;
// type FeatureOptions = {
//     darkMode: boolean;
//     newUserProfile: boolean;
// }

Mapping Modifiers - 映射修饰符

在映射过程中可以应用另外两个修饰符:readonly? 分别影响可变性和可选性。

你可以通过在前面加上 -+ 来删除或添加这些修饰符。如果不添加前缀,则假定为 +

// Removes 'readonly' attributes from a type's properties
type CreateMutable<Type> = {
  -readonly [Property in keyof Type]: Type[Property];

type LockedAccount = {
  readonly id: string;
  readonly name: string;

type UnlockedAccount = CreateMutable<LockedAccount>;
// type UnlockedAccount = {
//     id: string;
//     name: string;
// }
// Removes 'optional' attributes from a type's properties
type Concrete<Type> = {
  [Property in keyof Type]-?: Type[Property];

type MaybeUser = {
  id: string;
  name?: string;
  age?: number;

type User = Concrete<MaybeUser>;
// type User = {
//     id: string;
//     name: string;
//     age: number;
// }

Key Remapping via as - 通过 as 键重新映射

在 TypeScript 4.1 及以后的版本中,你可以用映射类型中的 as 子句在映射类型中重新映射键:

type MappedTypeWithNewProperties<Type> = {
  [Properties in keyof Type as NewKeyType]: Type[Properties];

你可以利用 模板字面量类型 等特性从以前的属性名称中创建新的属性名称:

type Getters<Type> = {
  [Property in keyof Type as `get${Capitalize<
    string & Property
  >}`]: () => Type[Property];

interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  location: string;

type LazyPerson = Getters<Person>;
// type LazyPerson = {
//     getName: () => string;
//     getAge: () => number;
//     getLocation: () => string;
// }

可以通过条件类型生成 never 来过滤掉键:

// Remove the 'kind' property
type RemoveKindField<Type> = {
  [Property in keyof Type as Exclude<Property, "kind">]: Type[Property];

interface Circle {
  kind: "circle";
  radius: number;

type KindlessCircle = RemoveKindField<Circle>;
// type KindlessCircle = {
//     radius: number;
// }

你可以映射任意的联合,不仅仅是 string | number | symbol 的联合,还可以映射任何类型的联合:

type EventConfig<Events extends { kind: string }> = {
  [E in Events as E["kind"]]: (event: E) => void;

type SquareEvent = { kind: "square"; x: number; y: number };
type CircleEvent = { kind: "circle"; radius: number };

type Config = EventConfig<SquareEvent | CircleEvent>;
// type Config = {
//     square: (event: SquareEvent) => void;
//     circle: (event: CircleEvent) => void;
// }

Further Exploration - 进一步探索

映射类型与类型操作部分中的其他特性配合得很好,例如,这里是 一个使用条件类型的映射类型,该类型返回 truefalse 取决于对象是否将属性 pii 设置为字面量 true

type ExtractPII<Type> = {
  [Property in keyof Type]: Type[Property] extends { pii: true } ? true : false;

type DBFields = {
  id: { format: "incrementing" };
  name: { type: string; pii: true };

type ObjectsNeedingGDPRDeletion = ExtractPII<DBFields>;
// type ObjectsNeedingGDPRDeletion = {
//     id: false;
//     name: true;
// }